
In a simple sentence, The people who travel or hike carrying their belongings in a backpack are backpackers. Backpacking was formed to avoid the extra costs of traveling but later on, it became so popular adventure activity that became the hobby of rich people as well.

The Different Types of Backpackers

A backpacker isn’t just one kind of person. There are many different types of backpackers, all with different styles and interests, budgets, and even destinations. In this article, you’ll learn about the common types of backpackers you’re likely to come across on your travels, as well as what they like to do when they get there. Whether you’re new to traveling or have been doing it for years, this article will help you understand the different types of backpackers so that you can connect with them and create great memories while on the road together!

The Gap Yearer backpackers

The travel newbie who travels all over the world at once on a round trip from one country to another. They are mostly college students even some started just after school. They spend much less time in each location compared to other types of backpackers, so they typically visit several different countries before returning home. They are looking for new experiences and to see as much as possible, often taking buses between destinations or using organized tours.

The Humanitarian

The backpackers who traveled for voluntary missions to different poorest countries to deliver some aid or help. This type of backpacker is usually interested in helping others, seeing new places, and learning about foreign cultures, rather than sightseeing or souvenir shopping. They don’t always have a set route and will likely find themselves jumping from village to village. This traveler is out to make a difference in people’s lives and cares less about what it will do for their Instagram feed. The humanitarian backpacker takes time to speak with locals and learn about their culture, instead of passing through in a hurried blur.

The Party Animal

The backpackers travel mostly to the places or countries which are more popular for different kinds of parties. This type of backpacker often enjoys a good party more than they enjoy hiking. They travel to meet new people and to try new food. They stay in hostels and typically go out almost every night that they are traveling. Sometimes they even skip out on tours just so that they can stick around town. There are certain times when it’s okay to be a party animal (when you’re younger, for example), but before you pack your bags and head out on your big trip, remember that doing touristy stuff with fun locals beats partying with other tourists any day.

The Traveling Couple

If you’re married, engaged, or have a long-term partner, you can travel together on your honeymoon. As with solo travel, there are plenty of benefits: You get to share your experiences and fun activities. It’s cheaper because you don’t have to pay for two separate tours and hotels. And it makes a trip more exciting if someone else is involved! One drawback is that some destinations are geared towards couples (i.e., romantic), so it may not be possible for single travelers to participate in many activities (especially those involving significant physical contact). Traveling with your significant other can also be stressful because people might judge your relationship based on how well you get along on vacation.

The Hippie Spiritualist

When it comes to traveling on a shoestring budget, hippie spiritualists are some of the most devout. These backpackers don’t travel to get away from it all; they travel to immerse themselves in other cultures and find inner peace. Because these backpacking spiritualists are so focused on diving into another world and another mindset, they aren’t too concerned with creature comforts like nice hotels or any semblance of luxury. They plan their trips around staying at hostels, sleeping on mats with mosquito nets for privacy, doing their own laundry by hand (the energy-conscious ones will opt for a public laundromat), and partaking in whatever community-run excursions local tourist boards have to offer.

The Digital Nomad Backpackers

Traveling to new destinations has never been easier than it is today, and digital nomads are taking advantage of that in a big way. If you’re working remotely but want to travel more often or explore a country in-depth, digital nomadism is an option worth exploring. And while it’s not for everyone, you may find that it helps you work on your own terms as well as meet incredible people along the way. Digital nomads fall into several categories, including location-independent entrepreneurs (or e-entrepreneurs), freelancers, and remote employees who work from home. All are busy people with demanding careers who have opted out of traditional 9–5 jobs in order to travel whenever they want—and often do so with a laptop in tow.