Hiking with Kids

As outdoor enthusiasts, we understand the joy and excitement of embarking on a hiking adventure with our little ones. Hiking with kids can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience that creates lasting memories and fosters a love for nature. However, it also requires careful planning, preparation, and safety considerations to ensure a successful and enjoyable outing for the whole family. In this comprehensive guide, we will share our expert tips and insights on how to hike with kids, from choosing kid-friendly trails to packing essential gear and engaging in fun activities along the way. Let’s lace up our boots, grab our backpacks, and embark on an unforgettable hiking adventure with our kids!

Choosing the Right Trail for Kids: Where Fun and Safety Meet

When it comes to hiking with kids, choosing the right trail is crucial to ensure their safety and enjoyment. Kids have different needs and abilities compared to adults, and it’s important to select a trail that is suitable for their age, physical abilities, and interests. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a kid-friendly hiking trail:

1. Distance: Start with shorter trails that are manageable for young hikers. Consider their stamina and endurance levels, and gradually increase the trail length as they gain more experience.

2. Difficulty level: Look for trails with easy terrain, minimal elevation gain, and well-marked paths. Avoid trails with rugged terrain, steep inclines, or narrow trails that may pose safety risks for kids.

3. Scenery and points of interest: Kids are more likely to stay engaged and motivated if there are interesting things to see along the way, such as waterfalls, wildlife, or historical sites. Look for trails with diverse scenery and points of interest that capture their imagination.

4. Facilities: Check if the trail has restrooms, picnic areas, and other facilities that can make the hike more comfortable for kids. Having access to amenities can also be helpful for diaper changes, snack breaks, or other unexpected needs.

5. Safety considerations: Prioritize safety when selecting a trail for kids. Look for trails with wide paths, sturdy bridges, and safety railings. Avoid trails with hazardous conditions, such as loose rocks, unstable cliffs, or poisonous plants.

Some kid-friendly trails that are worth considering for your next hiking adventure include Crest Canyon Trail, La Orilla Trail, etc. These trails offer a perfect balance of fun and safety, and they are sure to captivate your kids’ imaginations and inspire their love for nature.

Packing Essential Gear: Be Prepared for Any Adventure

Proper gear is essential for a safe and enjoyable hiking experience with kids. Be sure to pack the following essential items to ensure that your kids are prepared for any adventure:

1. Clothing: Dress your kids in layers to accommodate changing weather conditions. Pack waterproof jackets, hats, gloves, and extra socks to keep them warm and dry. Opt for breathable and moisture-wicking fabrics to prevent discomfort from sweat or rain.

2. Footwear: Invest in sturdy and waterproof hiking boots or shoes that provide good traction and ankle support. Avoid sandals or flip-flops, as they do not provide adequate protection for kids’ feet.

3. Sun protection: Pack sunscreen, sunglasses, and hats to protect your kids’ skin and eyes from harmful UV rays. Look for sunscreen that is specifically formulated for kids and provides broad-spectrum protection.

4. Food and snacks: Pack plenty of nutritious snacks, such as trail mix, fruits, and energy bars, to keep your kids fueled throughout the hike. Bring a sufficient supply of water or hydration system to keep them hydrated, especially in hot or dry conditions.

5. First aid kit: Carry a well-stocked first aid kit that includes essentials such as bandages, antiseptic wipes, insect repellent, and any necessary medication for your kids. Be prepared for common hiking injuries such as cuts, scrapes, blisters, and insect bites.

6. Navigation tools: Bring a map, compass, or GPS device to help you navigate the trail. Involve your kids in map reading and navigation to make it a fun and educational experience for them.

7. Extra supplies: Pack extra clothes, diapers or wipes for younger kids, and plastic bags for trash or dirty items. Consider bringing a small camping stove or portable water filter for longer hikes where you may need to cook or purify water.

8. Entertainment and activities: Keep your kids engaged and entertained with activities such as nature scavenger hunts, nature journals, or storytelling. Bring binoculars, magnifying glasses, or a camera to encourage observation and exploration of the natural surroundings.

Engaging in Fun and Educational Activities on the Trail

Hiking with kids is not just about walking from point A to point B; it’s also an opportunity for fun and educational activities that can enhance their outdoor experience. Here are some ideas for engaging activities to do with your kids on the trail:

1. Nature scavenger hunt: Create a list of items for your kids to find along the trail, such as specific plants, animals, rocks, or natural features. This can be a fun way to encourage observation skills and learn about the local flora and fauna.

2. Nature journaling: Bring a small notebook or sketchbook for your kids to record their observations, thoughts, and drawings about the natural surroundings. This can be a creative and educational activity that encourages mindfulness and appreciation for nature.

3. Storytelling: Share stories or legends about the area you are hiking in, or encourage your kids to create their own stories inspired by the surroundings. This can spark their imagination and creativity, and also make the hike more enjoyable and memorable.

4. Outdoor games: Play classic outdoor games such as “I Spy,” “Simon Says,” or “20 Questions” to keep your kids entertained and engaged during breaks or rest stops. These games can also help them develop their cognitive, physical, and social skills.

5. Leave No Trace principles: Teach your kids about the importance of Leave No Trace principles, such as packing out trash, staying on the trail, and respecting wildlife and vegetation. Encourage them to be responsible stewards of the environment and leave the trail better than they found it.

Safety First: Tips for a Safe Hiking Adventure with Kids

Safety should always be a top priority when hiking with kids. Here are some important tips to ensure a safe hiking adventure:

1. Plan and research the trail:

Before heading out, research the trail thoroughly, including the distance, terrain, weather conditions, and any potential hazards. Plan your route, estimate the time needed, and inform someone about your itinerary.

2. Dress appropriately:

Make sure your kids are dressed in appropriate clothing and footwear for the trail and weather conditions. Dress in layers, wear sturdy and waterproof footwear, and pack extra clothes for changing weather.

3. Stay hydrated and well-nourished:

Keep your kids well-hydrated by providing plenty of water or hydration fluids throughout the hike. Pack enough nutritious snacks and meals to keep their energy levels up.

4. Watch for signs of fatigue or discomfort:

Pay close attention to your kids’ energy levels, mood, and physical well-being during the hike. Take frequent breaks, allow them to rest, and listen to their cues. Be prepared to turn back or cut the hike short if necessary.

5. Stay on the trail:

Stick to the designated trail and avoid taking shortcuts or straying off the path. Teach your kids the importance of staying on the trail to avoid getting lost or damaging the environment.

6. Be aware of wildlife:

Educate your kids about wildlife safety, including the importance of keeping a safe distance from wild animals and not feeding them. Be aware of any potential wildlife encounters along the trail and take appropriate precautions.

7. Use sunscreen and insect repellent:

Protect your kids from the sun and insects by applying sunscreen and insect repellent before and during the hike. Choose child-friendly and safe products for their sensitive skin.

8. Be prepared for emergencies:

Carry a first aid kit and know how to use it. Teach your kids basic first aid skills, such as treating cuts, blisters, and insect bites. Have a plan for emergencies and know the nearest emergency exit points or ranger stations.

9. Practice trail etiquette:

Teach your kids to be respectful of other hikers, yield to uphill hikers, and stay to the right side of the trail. Encourage them to leave rocks, plants, and other natural features undisturbed and not to litter.

10. Stay weather aware:

Keep an eye on weather conditions and be prepared for changes in temperature, precipitation, or other weather-related factors. Pack appropriate gear, such as raincoats or extra layers, to keep your kids comfortable and safe in changing weather.


Hiking with kids can be a rewarding and enriching experience that allows them to connect with nature, learn new skills, and create lasting memories. By planning ahead, engaging in fun and educational activities, and prioritizing safety, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable hiking adventure with your kids. So, pack your bags, lace up your hiking boots, and embark on a memorable outdoor adventure with your little ones! Happy trails!